Monthly Archives: May 2019

‘‘Twas the Week Before Graduation”


Twas the week before graduation, when all through the town

Caps and gowns were ready, no wrinkles to be found.

The invitations were taken to the post office with care,

In hopes that the USPS would get them there.

The soon to be graduates snug in their beds,

While visions of their futures danced in their heads.

Mama, at the table planning the grad party

While Dad was talking proudly of their little smarty.

When out in the front yard there rose such a clatter

They rushed to the door to see what was the matter.

They threw open the door to see family and friends

Gathering from near and from far, for a graduation to attend.

Their child they had raised was now an adult

The hard work and prayers were showing the result.

When what to their wondering eyes should appear

But a smile from the very one they held so dear.

With teachers through the years, both young and old

Teaching them lessons beyond what the books told.

Algebra and English, History and Science,

In so many teachers they found an alliance.

There was Smith and Landers, and of course Towery and White.

There was Weatherly and Morgan and many others who shone the light.

They taught through attitude, they taught with love

They gave a nod, a hug and perhaps a shove.

As a football in the Fall air would fly,

They prayed for their senior to soar high.

Many days had been long, but the years had flown,

Their man-child was ready to now stand alone.

It seems just a twinkling, the child they had raised,

Went from a toddler to a teenager half-crazed.

Out of the highchair before they turned around

It seemed their young man into adulthood bound.

He was dressed all in blue from his head to his foot,

Always supporting the team where he was put.

A backpack of papers thrown in his truck,

With farewells to all and the best of luck.

His eyes how they twinkled-his smile lit a room,

His face clean shaven, so nicely groomed.

His hair slightly creased from the cap he had worn,

Soon would hold a different cap with a tassel adorned.

He was a boy. He was a man.

The time between the stages, barely a span.

A grin on his face and a bow of his head,

Soon gave us to know we had nothing to dread.

God had chosen us, for this time, for this child.

The blessings we receive, those continue to pile.

And bowing our heads to whisper a prayer,

Thanking our Lord for His love and care.

Spring to that stage, get that diploma in hand.

And listen for your parents yelling from the stands.

Here us exclaim as you catch our eye,