When You’re the Parent of “That Kid”


We’ve all seen them. We’ve all been them. We’ve been the kid. We’ve been the parent.

The kid that is screaming his head off as mom goes on with her shopping. We roll our eyes.  The kid on the playground that bullies the other kids. We think what horrible parents they must have. The mean girls on social media who make the stabs at others. We think, what a little punk. The teenage boys who try everything and seem to have no respect for authority. We think what kind of raising have they had?!!

Yes, we’ve all see those kids. We may have once been those kids. We may be the parents of those kids.

Next time you see the kid screaming in the store, try giving the mom a sympathetic smile and encourage her that these years will pass. Tell her you were once the parent of “that kid” too. Tell her it may seem like the days are really long right now, but the years will fly by. It won’t make it easier on her, but she will at least know she is not alone.

If you see the bully on the playground, really look at the situation. Is he/she being a bully because of things the parents did, or is “that kid” just trying to fit in and giving others a dose of what they have received? Maybe “that kid” just needs a listening ear and someone to give them a hug and let them know someone cares.

And the mean girl (or boy) on social media, yeah, “that kid”. Instead of trying to reach through your phone and tweek her attitude a bit, perhaps you send her a message and let her know that words can be hurtful. Maybe talk to the parents, often they don’t have a clue what “that kid” is doing online. Be concerned about the future of “that kid” instead of angered at the present.

The teenage boy (or girl) who you watch being disrespectful and rude, instead of blaming his parents, perhaps you can join their sore knees in prayer for “that kid”.  They have tried everything and often “that kid” just has to learn from their own mistakes. Or perhaps, you put your arm around “that kid” and let him know “you’re better than this”. Let them know you’ve been where he is, and its a hard road. Being a teenager is hard.

Now you may look at “these kids” and have never experienced any of this. Your kid was the one who rode sweetly and quietly and sang while you shopped, or better yet, slept!  Your child has never been bullied or been the bully on the playground because, well, everyone just loves your kid. Social media may not have any place in your house, so you don’t have to worry about your daugher being “that kid”, but know you’re in the minority. If it hasn’t happened, it will. Or perhaps your kids can allow things to just roll off their shoulders and not worry about what others say. Count that a blessing. And your teenage son may just be the picture of perfection. Star athlete. Honor grad. Mr. Everything. You have no struggles. You’re certainly in the minority.

To those of us with “that kid”, I want to urge you all to keep fighting the good fight! Toddlers do grow up and quit screaming. I told my daughter recently when she turned 13, “You spent the first 13 years of your life embarrassing me, I’m about to spend the next 13 embarrassing you!”

If you have “that kid” who is bullying or being bullied, hug their necks, tell them they are loved. The bully may need just that and we know the one being bullied certainly does. Typically the way to a bully’s heart is not a “punch”, but a “person” willing to care.

If “that kid” in your household is the mean girl, well, ground her, take her phone away, and definitely monitor all her social media accounts. Spam accounts they’ve created too. Also, their apps. I found about 35 messages on my daughter’s phone last night (yes, we are the mean parents who take up phones at night, they’re not allowed after bedtime) from people she doesn’t even know! They were through a chat room on an app! Yes, I was livid and yes, it was deleted! Basically there are a lot of mean and evil people in this world, and we have to let our daughters know they are loved and valued, or they will find that love and value in all the wrong places.

Now if “that kid” in your house is the rebellious teenager, well, all I can tell you is PRAY! Pray like their lives depend on it, because they do! I look at my “manchild” and wonder where in the world did my little boy go? The little boy who could sit for hours and watch Barney, or the one who could climb a tree in 3.2 seconds. The little boy, who would say “bwess you, mommy” every time I sneezed. The boy who would look at his daddy with all the love and adoration in the world knowing there was nothing bigger or better than “his daddy”! That boy will be an official adult and senior in high school at the end of this summer. His daddy and I blinked and now here we are. Has he been the “Mr Perfect kid”? No, he has not. Has he been “that kid” whom God entrusted to us to raise and prepare for this world and to glorify Him? Absolutely!  “That kid”, “my kid”, is going far in this life, just wait and see! He’s going to work through some junk, realize just how much he is loved by the Creator of the universe, and then world, watch out! He’s got a passion within that won’t be stopped!

Yep, I’m the parent of “that kid” and I consider my two the biggest blessings of my life!

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But as for you, continue in the things that you have learned and of which you are convinced [holding tightly to the truths], knowing from whom you learned them, and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings (Hebrew Scriptures) which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus [surrendering your entire self to Him and having absolute confidence in His wisdom, power and goodness]. All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage];  so that the man of God may be complete andproficient, outfitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.  2 Timothy 3:14-17

A Letter to Derek Chauvin


Dear Derek Chauvin,

I began this letter to Mr George Floyd, but I had a change of heart. Mr Floyd is gone from this earth, but you’re still here. You still live and breathe. You are sitting in a jail cell somewhere, now on the other side of the bars you use to police.

As you sit there I’m sure many things are going through your head and I wanted to give you some questions to ask yourself:
-“if I had a redo, would I change my actions?”
-“do I realize that little children are now afraid of police officers because of me?”
-“can my single action literally turn a nation into chaos?”
-“can a bad temper and anger within one single heart be used to cause much turmoil for many?”
-“are white people around the world ashamed and appalled at my actions?”
-“are police officers getting hit, kicked, things thrown at them, spat at them because of me?”
-“do black lives matter to you now?”
-“is love really the answer?”

I don’t claim to know your heart. I’ve not walked in your shoes. I cannot imagine what has happened to you in your life to cause you to do the things you’ve done.
I do know that your actions have us all afraid to speak because we don’t want anything to be taken the wrong way. We, in no way want to hurt our brothers and sisters.
I also want you to know that while I’m very disappointed in your actions, I recognize that you had fallen for the lies from the enemy. The enemy who prowls around our land to seek and destroy and cause chaos. He whispered to you and you listened. And today while you sit in a cell, that same enemy continues to whisper to others. He continues to destroy lives, because that is his goal. He whispers “you’re not good enough. Don’t let them get by with that. They’re not like us so they’re wrong. Ugh, why does he/she have to be that way. He/she is better than me so tear them down and you’ll look better.”
Yes, Satan, is our enemy and he’s the very opposite of love. I beg you to quit listening! I beg us all to quit listening!
May today, starting now in 2020, we choose love. We’ve fought the enemy too long. He’s been the one dividing us in every day life. Dividing families and friends, schools, communities, churches, states and nations.
Today, choose love. Seek the Floyd family’s forgiveness. Seek our country’s forgiveness. Above all seek God’s forgiveness. It’s a daily choice. One we all make. Love God. Love others. Today, Derek, what do you choose? As for me and my house, we choose to love the Lord, our God and to love others as ourselves, regardless.

A Child of the King

Teacher Appreciation 2020

Teacher Appreciation 2020

Dear Teachers,
THANK YOU! Two simple words that say so much, yet not quite enough. Especially this year, this crazy, corona virus/Covid-19, quarantined, locked down, teaching online, insane 2020!
I’ve watched, in tears, many news stories of teachers going above and beyond to reach out to their students. I’ve seen principals drive around their county delivering diplomas as well posters made by teachers. I’ve watched school nurses go back into front line work. It seems that all of you and myself have one common goal in mind; what is best for my child. And for that I say “Thank you!”
As I sit here in my house, with me on one laptop and my child on the other, I think back over the many years of hers and her brother’s school years. (Her brother graduated last year and she is wrapping up her Freshman year.) I think of the preschool teachers that patiently taught them their ABC’s, suffered through their nap times when they wouldn’t sleep, and would still hug them tight at the end of each school day. Then the Kindergarten teacher who taught them that they could be anything they wanted to be, but to never forget the simple things learned here in her classroom. On through the elementary years where their personalities formed as quick as their friendships. Where their teachers were their favorite person on the planet because they showed them cool science experiments, made Math fun, and reading books could carry them to faraway lands or out of space or even back in time. Those precious elementary teachers who are expected to be teacher, counselor, nurse, referee, traffic controller, and above all, love our babies like we do. The expectations were high and most met and exceeded the goals we laid before them. All on a 15 minute break to eat lunch, run to the restroom, and make phone calls. Kudos, elementary teachers, you all truly are Super Heroes!
Oh then I think of the Middle School years. Those tough years. The years when friends from elementary will pass you in the hallway and not even look your direction. The years puberty hits and the hallway’s smell got real interesting. The years when first pimples appear, recess is no more and they pick up their first band instruments or play on their first school sports teams. Middle School teachers get those ‘tween years, not still a child, but not quite a teen. These teachers can help a child soar. They can see past the fidgety, frizzy heads of students to their hearts. They can see the struggles and make changes to help them rise to their full potential, they are the trainers for the years to come. They teach a few tricks of learning and can change a life. Heroes. All of you!
Now I think of those precious Junior High years. Those years when the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing gets real and teachers have to become love therapists as well. They’re constantly searching for ways to make Algebra and English more interesting than the latest Snapchat filter or Instagram story. Its the age that can be ruthless; and wise, loving teachers look beyond those students and know there is always more to the story. I’ve always believed it takes a very special kind of person to deal with Junior High aged kids and after living through the raising of one child and another wrapping up her junior high years, I’m even more convinced of this. To you junior high teachers, let me say a special thank you during these days. To the Algebra teachers who zooms algebra lessons and keep inspiring students to try their best, that they’ve got this: thank you! To the FACS teachers who love their students to the ends of the earth and is thrilled over seeing a picture of a peach dump cake or a button sewn on a shirt, thank you! To the Ag teachers who host zoom meetings and the chickens in the background are louder than the students, thank you! To those junior high school counselors who host a weekly zoom to just check on her students and encourage them and give them a smile, thank you!
I have one that has moved on from high school and another fearing what those years will bring. Any other year, the students would have gotten to tour the building, meet some teachers, but 2020 has proved different. Its a year like no other, but I do know many high school teachers and know they love what they do. To the high school teachers who looked beyond the troubled, depressed, loud mouthed students and saw potential, thank you! To the ones who look past the neon pink hair, mullets or mo-hawks to see an individual trying to find themselves, thank you! To the coaches that invested in a child’s character, as well as athletics and education, thank you. To those who genuinely love and care for students, thank you. The parents, we notice. We notice the teachers cheering our children on to greater things and encouraging them to find what they love and chase after their dreams.
Teacher Appreciation Week 2020 definitely looks different, but to all the teachers out there still teaching online, driving through neighborhoods on parade, passing out learning packets or school lunches, to those sticking with their students during these crazy online AMI days, encouraging them to stay strong and stay well, yet in the backs of their minds worrying about so many of their “babies”, thank you!

There are many heroes being seen in this world today, but not a one of them, not a doctor, not a nurse, not a scientist, not a governor, not even the President of the United States got where they are without a teacher. To each of you, I shout, THANK YOU!! Two small words that say oh so much!

‘‘Twas the Week Before Graduation”


Twas the week before graduation, when all through the town

Caps and gowns were ready, no wrinkles to be found.

The invitations were taken to the post office with care,

In hopes that the USPS would get them there.

The soon to be graduates snug in their beds,

While visions of their futures danced in their heads.

Mama, at the table planning the grad party

While Dad was talking proudly of their little smarty.

When out in the front yard there rose such a clatter

They rushed to the door to see what was the matter.

They threw open the door to see family and friends

Gathering from near and from far, for a graduation to attend.

Their child they had raised was now an adult

The hard work and prayers were showing the result.

When what to their wondering eyes should appear

But a smile from the very one they held so dear.

With teachers through the years, both young and old

Teaching them lessons beyond what the books told.

Algebra and English, History and Science,

In so many teachers they found an alliance.

There was Smith and Landers, and of course Towery and White.

There was Weatherly and Morgan and many others who shone the light.

They taught through attitude, they taught with love

They gave a nod, a hug and perhaps a shove.

As a football in the Fall air would fly,

They prayed for their senior to soar high.

Many days had been long, but the years had flown,

Their man-child was ready to now stand alone.

It seems just a twinkling, the child they had raised,

Went from a toddler to a teenager half-crazed.

Out of the highchair before they turned around

It seemed their young man into adulthood bound.

He was dressed all in blue from his head to his foot,

Always supporting the team where he was put.

A backpack of papers thrown in his truck,

With farewells to all and the best of luck.

His eyes how they twinkled-his smile lit a room,

His face clean shaven, so nicely groomed.

His hair slightly creased from the cap he had worn,

Soon would hold a different cap with a tassel adorned.

He was a boy. He was a man.

The time between the stages, barely a span.

A grin on his face and a bow of his head,

Soon gave us to know we had nothing to dread.

God had chosen us, for this time, for this child.

The blessings we receive, those continue to pile.

And bowing our heads to whisper a prayer,

Thanking our Lord for His love and care.

Spring to that stage, get that diploma in hand.

And listen for your parents yelling from the stands.

Here us exclaim as you catch our eye,


My Word!



2014 – SAVOR

2015 – LESS

2016 – WAIT

2017 – SHINE

2018 – HOPE

As I look back on these past 6 years and the “words” God has given me for each year, I see His great and divine plan shaping the person He wants me to be. I’m a stubborn sort and it takes me a long while to get still and listen. Really listen. Perhaps that is why He gave me my first “word” back in 2013…REGARDLESS. Regardless of what I did, He loved me. Regardless of my stubbornness, He was with me. Regardless of my situations, He was with me.

As I turned the calendar in 2014, my children were 9 and 13, and God told me to slow down, SAVOR my time with them by SAVORing my time spent with Him. Then as 2015 rolled around, He wanted me to focus LESS on me and more on Him. Less on material things and more on memories made. 2016 had me WAITing. Isn’t that just what we all love to do??!! It’s a hurry up and wait society, but 2016 had me waiting patiently on the Lord and His timing of answering prayers. 2017 had me focus on SHINE, as in shining Jesus wherever I went, whatever I did. Did I do this daily? Sadly, no, but His grace was sufficient and His mercies were new every single morning. Then this past year my HOPE was in Him. It’s definitely been the anchor my soul needed. 2018 brought much pain and heartache. Friends I loved dearly left this world long before I was ready to let them go. Others have fought and are fighting illnesses with such grace that it astounds me. My family probably experienced our hardest year ever and through it all, my HOPE remains in Him. Listen, I have no idea how folks live in this world without HOPE and I’m thankful I’ll never experience that feeling!

Now for 2019…seriously?? 2019?? How did we get here so fast?? Weren’t we all just worried about Y2K?? Okay, sorry, chased a “squirrel!” Back to the present…

My word for 2019 first came to me back in June. It held significance then, but I didn’t know exactly the ways God would use it in my life.

In June of 2018, my family was blessed with a trip to Hawaii. Our church family gave my husband this trip for serving at Antioch Conway for 25 years, 10 of those years as Senior Pastor, the other 15 years as Youth Minister, Worship Leader, and Associate Pastor. As we began this trip, I recalled Jason and I going to Hawaii for our honeymoon, that had been 29 years earlier, and we saw rainbows every day. I love rainbows! In the world today, as with other things, the world has tried to take something from God and twist it and distort it, BUT a rainbow is a sign of God’s mercy and faithfulness. Period.

We had been in Hawaii 5 days and I had yet to see a rainbow. That is crazy! If you’ve been you know that rainbows are plentiful in that part of the world. In my quiet time on the lanai that morning I was praying that God would give me a rainbow this very day. I had great HOPE He would show up and show off.

It was just past lunchtime, I was sitting on a bluff by the pool, waiting for my kids to have their surf lessons when I leaned back in my lounge chair and looked up through a palm tree at the sun. There was my rainbow! Actually a sunbow, which is a “a spectrum of colors like a rainbow produced by the sun shining on a spray”. God didn’t give me just a regular old rainbow, but a sunbow. The next day, I was thinking about it again and thought, “I wonder if that has significant meaning?” So I did what anyone else does these days, I googled it! I read that while meteorologists have a physical understanding of the circular rainbow around the sun, for some traditional native people, the sunbow is considered to be a sign from the Creator, marking a time of great CHANGE, or transition. BAM! We came home and our house sold 2 days later and we were thrown into the midst of major change and transition!

I’ve thought about this many times over the past six months and then this past Sunday, the last Sunday in 2018, our associate pastor was preaching and used the verse from 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Nothing brings CHANGE like Jesus!

Now I trusted in Jesus as my Savior when I was eight years old, but there have been many times I have fallen into the routine of worship. Years of going through the motions. Years of talking the talk, but not truly walking the walk. As I have sought change in other people’s heart, sought change in the way they live their lives, God spoke to me Sunday and said to my heart, “trust Me, trust that I have things under control, leave it here and quit worrying, CHANGE your ways of doing things and see Me rock your world!”

So in 2019, I’ll CHANGE my worries to praise, my trials to prayers, my control to His. CHANGE can be scary, so maybe that is why I didn’t get this written until the 2nd day of 2019?

Who knows what CHANGE God has in store for me in 2019, but this I know, without a doubt, the God who created the rainbows and sunbows holds me, my trust and hope remain in Him. One day, and I pray it’s soon, I’ll see another sunbow, Revelations 4:3 tells us, “Great bursts of light flashed forth from him as from a glittering diamond or from a shining ruby, and a rainbow glowing like an emerald encircled his throne.” Now that is a true SONbow!! And then I’ll truly be CHANGED! Forever!

2019 – CHANGE

Tribute to 41

Tribute to 41

Dear George H.W. Bush,

It saddened me as I watched a celebration service in honor of your life, not that you are gone, because you are with our God, our Lord and Savior, but because my children don’t have heroes like you in politics today.

The respect you have been shown over this past week has left the millennials of today speechless. They’ve tweeted and retweeted images of Bob Dole standing to salute and I’m sure they’ll be sharing the story of Jim Baker rubbing your feet shortly if they aren’t already. They’ve grown up in an age of hatred, harsh words, lies, infidelity, and being offended by the least little thing that doesn’t measure up to life as they want it. They don’t understand pride in country, yet humility in service.

Your celebration service has also left the media searching for words to explain the peace and celebration that your family and friends have shown. Faith isn’t always understood, in fact, most often people just don’t get it. How do you believe in something you can’t see?

To those people, I ask “How can you look at the life of President George H.W. Bush and not see?” Were you a perfect man? Of course not, and I’m certain Barbara would attest to that, but you lived a life well. You served your country, respected those in your party, your Christian circle of friends, as well as all those who disagreed with you. That’s not really found in this world anymore. Its “my way or the highway”.

When I was a senior in high school, back in 1984, my friend and I dressed up that year for Halloween as Ronald Reagan and “A bush” and we passed out jelly beans. We didn’t do that out of disrespect, but of total respect for the two of you and the offices you would soon be holding. You both were heroes to us and many others because the class and respect shown publicly and privately.

And please don’t think I’m bashing the millennials, I’m not. Just the opposite. I feel sorry for them, that somehow my generation has let them down. Somewhere in the course of my high school graduation and today, we have allowed God to be taken out of seemingly everything. We have somehow, in our ignorance, sat back and remained quiet when taking a stand should have happened. We’ve clouded our views so much that you can’t really tell if we stand with the world, or we stand with God.

We judge those who aren’t like us and show no respect for anyone who’s not “on our side”. We shout in outrage when people take a knee when “Oh say can you see…” has begun to play or they set our stars and stripes on fire, yet how often has my generation taken a knee just to pray for our country? We scream and protest pro-choice stances and those who don’t agree with the Biblical view of marriage, yet have we shown love to the least of these?

Yes, Mr. President, you lived life well and that is evident by the respect you’ve been shown. You lived a life that loved God and loved your neighbor. They say you are the last of the greatest, and oh how I pray that is not true! I pray those today will stand up and say, “I want to be like him!” They’ll answer the call to love God above all and serve Him in whatever capacity that entails. They’ll respect their neighbors and above all love one another and at the end of their lives, just like yours, God will get the glory and we will find comfort in knowing we will see them again! After all, “friends are friends forever when the Lord’s the Lord of them”! (Michael W. Smith)

Again, thank you for your service to our country and thanking you for a life well lived!


A proud American

“In our hearts we know what matters. We cannot hope only to leave our children a bigger car, a bigger bank account. We must hope to give them a sense of what it means to be a loyal friend; a loving parent; a citizen who leaves his home, his neighborhood, and town better than he found it,” -President George HW Bush

What About the Mama?


What about the mama to the prodigal son? Have you ever thought about what she was doing?

I’ve been thinking a lot about her lately and though I’m not certain what she was doing or did I’m going to take a stab at it.

I’m thinking as she watched the rebellious teenager long for things of this world, she recalled the countless prayers that went up in waiting for this child.

I’m thinking as she watched him make mistake after mistake, she recalled the times she had knelt by his bed and listened to the prayers of an innocent child.

I’m thinking as he made new “friends” who weren’t concerned about his spiritual well being but only in the partying of life, she remembered the boyhood friends from church who would encourage him to walk upright & holy.

I’m thinking as he went from one girl to another, she wondered what happened to the little boy who declared he was going to marry her when he grew up.

I’m thinking as she listened to him speak ugly and disrespectful to his father, she recalled those many moments in life when daddy had been the hero and the boy declared he wanted to be just like him.

I’m thinking as he took his inheritance and took off down the road, she recalled teaching him to crawl and then to walk and then to run, but never away from her, always to her.

I’m thinking on those many nights when he was away, she never lost faith. She never gave up on the God of her ancestors. The God of her heart.

Yes, she worried, but those worries turned into prayers as she went about daily routines of life.

I’m thinking when the day came and someone yelled “look who it is!”and she saw her husband running, she dropped to her knees and praised God.

For all those days that she had praised God and knew she would feel it later, she felt now.

For all the sleepless nights, for all the many prayers prayed, scriptures read, promises from God written upon her heart, for all those times when she felt her heart was in a thousand pieces from breaking, was now exploding into a thousand pieces in rejoicing!

All the days, all the nights, all the weeks, months and years she NEVER gave up HOPE!

Neither will I.

Shining Pink Drinks, Eyelashes, and Jesus!


My social media has been taken over by pink drinks and long eyelashes! Anyone else out there hearing me?  You may be screaming, “Can I not open my social media to the plugging of the latest product?”

To the haters, I write, “GET OVER IT! UNFOLLOW!”

Now, do I sell Plexus or R&F? Nope!

Do I use them? Well, that’s complicated!

Yally2ou see, I should be drinking the Plexus I have in my cabinet, but my coffee urge in the morning more often than not wins out, though my energy level is MUCH better when I grab the pink drink instead of the coffee. (And if they EVER come up with the product that tastes like coffee, I’m in 110%!)  I have friends that have seen amazing results from all Plexus offers, so why not post about it?!!  I’ve also seen friends who have made great income from it, so when you see their next post about selling it, just thank God they’re not standing on the exit of the interstate begging for money.
Now, to the eyelashes by Rodan & Fields.  I’ll admit, when I first saw those being pushed, I ally3was kind of a skeptic.  Then one of my New York ladies showed up to go to NYC and her eyelashes were amazing!  I mentioned to my hubby that I’d love some of that stuff for Christmas to see if mine would grow. You have to understand, I’ve always been a tad self conscious of my eyes because of surgeries I had when I was small. They’re scarred and the eyelashes have always been lacking, NOT anymore!  Mine are growing and I’m excited!  The only problem I see in this is that they hit my sunglasses now, but I’m okay with that. 

No, this is not a plug for Plexus or R&F, this is rather a plug for Jesus!

Every year I ask God to give me a “word”.  Over the past few years, I’ve had “Regardless” (regardless what happened or how I was treated, God loves me), “Savor” (relationships with friends and family are priceless, savor every moment), “Wait” (that one was fun, patience has never been one of my strong traits) and now for this year He gave me “SHINE!” And the verse that went with it was Matthew 5:16 (“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”).

It’s a word I tell my daughter and my Bible study girls on a regular basis and pray often, for us to “shine Jesus to everyone we come in contact with throughout our day”.  God seems to be showing me, I need to live it more than saying it, more than praying it. Shine. Jesus.

How in the world does this relate to pink drinks and eyelashes?  Well the eyelashes I’m just excited about and folks can see Jesus in your eyes, so that’s about the only way I can relate the eyelashes here, but a few Plexus peeps have walked through the fire this past week and have continued to “SHINE”!

If you have not heard the story of 16-year-old Ally Hooten, just Google her.  I did not know Ally personally, but I have heard her grandfather, Evangelist, Tim Lee, speak at several different occasions.  Ally was on this earth last Saturday morning and standing with Jesus by that afternoon. What started off as fun times with family and friends ended in a horrific tragedy for those left here, but ended up more amazing that we can imagine for Ally.

I was one of the thousands upon thousands who tuned into the live stream of the Celebration of Ally’s Legacy service.  Ally’s pastor held up a pair of her tennis shoes and asked “Who’s going to fill these shoes?” And later as I saw a shared post on Facebook, it was the picture of her shoes with the verse God had given me this year. Matthew 5:16. Some may say, that’s a coincidence, but I say, no, that’s God!


Have you ever taken a piece of silver that has been through hard times and is tarnished so badly it’s black and began to shine it?  It’s tough. It’s hard. But you keep working on it until it shines like new.  This family, last Saturday, was broken. Their Ally was gone. And you know what? God started working. Working through prayers of praying warriors, through hugs of friends and family, through precious promises found in His Word and the Hooten family began to shine!  I have no idea how many hundreds have come to Christ this past week through the death of one of His children, but this I do know: ONLY because she shined Jesus in her living, has He been so glorified in her dying.

Ally, your faith is now your sight. What you believed without seeing, you now know as fact. The One in whom you trusted has now welcomed you to your eternal home. Enjoy all the parties going on for all the new believers! Keep throwing the confetti and we will all see you soon!


To all of the Hooten family and friends, thank you! Thank you for showing this pastor’s wife from Arkansas how to truly SHINE JESUS!

“Thank You, God”


mgjDecember 10.  To many its just another day on the
calendar. To many its a reminder of only 15 days left to shop for the perfect Christmas gift. To a few of us on this planet, we remember a sweet little blonde’s birthday  who always had the BIG number of whatever year she was turning painted and in her yard.

We know the Bible verses and we trust that His ways are much higher than ours, but we still ask “why, God?” And He’s perfectly okay with that is my belief. He knows we are human and we can’t see beyond this moment right now. Only hindsight is 20/20 with us. We hold one little piece of the puzzle and even its a little fuzzy and we have no idea where it goes!

Madelyn Grace Johnston touched many in her short eight years on this earth and has touched many more in the nearly three years since her death on 12/15/12. She and my daughter were friends and had a plan to play at recess that following Monday.  That play time was not able to happen, but this I do know…ONE DAY, they will run hand in hand together again. They will smile, and laugh, and hug, and dance, and do cartwheels, and more than anything they will worship together at the feet of Jesus!


How about you? Do you have that assurance of eternal life? One thing we learn from accidents like Madelyn’s is that we are NEVER promised tomorrow.  Never. Period. Don’t wait until its too late, trust in Jesus today.  It will not assure you a perfect, struggle-free life, but the peace in one’s heart knowing the God of the universe is unexplainable!

As Madelyn wrote just a couple of weeks before her accident, “You gave me everything I need. Thank You, God.” And He has! Beginning with the birth of His Son two thousand years ago!   “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)


Happy 12th birthday, Madelyn Grace! We thank God for every remembrance of you!

Dear Future POTUS,


politicsFirst of all, congratulations on reaching a dream many think about, but rarely are willing to sacrifice all it takes to get there. I’m sure you have lost many nights of sleep, missed family activities, had to sever relationships, and had to wear a smile when all you may have wanted to do was scream and shout or hide back under the covers in bed.

Regardless of my vote in the primary, it comes down to the two of you: Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump.  Two people so very much alike and yet so very different. Mrs. Clinton, if you become POTUS, you’ll make history at being the first female President in history. Those are extraordinary big shoes with responsibilities too numerous to name. Young girls will look to you to be the example of a leader, a lady, and a cheerleader in their corner.   Mr. Trump, if the vote swings your way, you will be making history as well. Business man to POTUS; all eyes will be watching, all ears listening, how will you make a difference?

The America my children are growing up in is so vastly different from the America I grew up in back in the 70’s.  Growing up in Texas in the 70’s was lighthearted and fun. Oh sure, we had our fair share of trouble and financial struggles, but my biggest concerns then, don’t compare to the concerns I have for the children of today. My children.

My children know words like ISIS, jihad, human trafficking, pornography; that quite honestly, when I was 11 years of age, I had never really heard about. I was never aware of anyone that would be so angered by law officers that they would want to kill them and actually follow through with it.  The Police were our friends and there to protect us and keep us safe. I was never aware of anyone wanting to kill someone for being a Christian, much less fly planes into buildings, killing thousands, to prove their loyalty to a god of another religion. I definitely never could have fathomed slavery still being around when I was a grown up and having more slaves than ever before in the history of the world.

I realize the two of you are running for the most important job in the free world and I’m just a middle class mom of two in the South, but can I give you some advice?

First, seek God daily.  You may become POTUS, but you will NEVER be King of all Kings. It will be easy to become arrogant and proud, but know the greatest of leaders is a servant to all.

Second, know the greatest wisdom in the world is not found in the Cabinet, but in the Creator.  Wisdom is found in His Word. Read it. Highlight it. Memorize it. Live it.

Third, remember little eyes and ears are watching and listening. I’m certain my grandmother would have had you sucking on a bar of Lava soap for the things I’ve heard come out of both of your mouths. Cursing is for the ignorant, don’t play into that game.

Fourth, balanced budgets, healthcare, border patrol and education are all important, but remember its the people you serve, not the pocketbooks.

Lastly, know that children are our greatest commodity.  Give them, first a chance to live, then protection to grow up, and set an example before them in your walk, your talk, your life. It may sound cliché, but no one truly cares how much know, until they know how much you care. I’ll quote the wisest man I know, my husband, “Your walk talks and your talk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks”.

I’m praying daily for both of you and trusting Romans 8:28 whatever the outcome in November.


Middle Class Mom